Your Body

Debbie Rosas, On Your Body’s Way.

As a Scholar of my Body’s Way, an Artist of my Movement, and as a Healer of my Lifestyle; I understand that the body is my partner for both exploring living and mastering a sensory life.  But, I also know the most precious and powerful resources I have are my body, my mind, my emotions, and my spirit and that embracing a Nia Lifestyle demands that I open each one to experience the extraordinary neuromuscular, psychophysical, psychophysiological, psychomotor, ideomotor and physiophilosophical life within my body.

Part One of the three part Nia Lifestyle is called Dancing Through Life. It is the sensation science technique of Dancing Through Life that turns everyday movement into something that feels like a dance and defines dancing not only as something you do when music comes on, but as something you do on the stage of life. 

Part Two of a Nia Lifestyle is called Living Meditation.  It is the sensation science technique of Living Meditation enables conscious moments of stopping, slowing down, and touching to bring meditative aspects into ordinary, everyday living without taking time from your life. 

Part Three of a Nia Lifestyle is called, Life As Art.  It is the sensation science technique of Life As Art that shifts your perception of the world in which you live. It turns everything in life into beauty and inspiration, leaving you feeling awakened in every moment and in every aspect of life. 

As a sensation scientist, the body is your laboratory. You are the viewer, observing, but also the observed. These two perspectives help you evaluate what is best for you and your body. Given the constraints of finite reality and limited methods, concepts, and knowledge; you can only translate what your body needs by listening to your body say, “Yes, keep doing this, I feel better!”

In today’s world of self help, I believe it is no longer necessary to separate psychotherapeutic and physiotherapeutic methods, nor allopathic medicine from naturopathic medicine, or lifestyle from fitness, health, and well being. The old hierarchical patient – doctor approach to health and lifestyle are all moving toward a more cooperative partnership between patient, medical support, life, and lifestyle. This is a good step. 

Learning to self care for your body and life is an experience shared between you, your body, and your life. How do you know you feel better? You sense it. Sensation is the source of all body and life experiences. In a Nia Lifestyle, living what you sense means living a physically coherent life through sensation, that is, sensing first, and thinking second. Nia gives you the gift of sensing aliveness, of sensing joy, together with comfort, pleasure, health, and well being.