Your Life

Debbie Rosas, On Meaning & Purpose.

Meaning and purpose are key words we can use to describe what it is to create a Nia Lifestyle through Nia, Art of Sensation.  Discerning what we believe is real, true, and important is a valuable tool for self discovery and self awareness. What we believe to be real and true defines our philosophy for our lives.  Meaning is defined by what is important and significant to us at any given moment and time. Meaning provides us with a purpose for our lives. It furnishes us with values and standards by which to measure our actions and it gives us a sense of control over the events in our lives.  

Meaning and purpose are the motivation that guides and directs us to a desired outcome.  Think of meaning and purpose as rhythmic, fluid, radial, and ever changing inspiration that keeps us on a course for living happy and well. And, most importantly, meaning and urpose offer us feelings of self value and worth. Our bodies understand meaning, purpose, and inspiration.

Each of us, within a body, have gifts and greatness to share that allow us to live meaningful lives.  Our lives are as an unfathomably deep ocean; vastly filled with ups and downs.  How we navigate our ocean of life, through the choices we make, leaves a unique wave in our wake.  That wave is a reflection of our use of time, consciousness, and life force energy.  The wave we create affects everyone and everything it touches.  As we move through time, the wave behind us grows in both intensity and magnitude.  Its ripples extend farther beyond what our eyes can perceive.  This perpetual flow transcends time and space, even as it is rooted firmly in the present moment.  Every choice and action we make with our gifts has the power to propel us toward our greatness.

Each of us has a unique purpose.  Our unique life experience influences both our bodies and our lives. Our purpose acts as a kind of point on a compass that we can use to see and follow on our journey toward a destiny.  At times along our way, the choices and actions we make could steer us off a course. But ultimately, no matter how far away from our intended direction we go, we will arrive at our destination through our purpose as that point on a compass for navigating with clarity through time and create the body and life we desire.

In Nia, we use the word “sacred” to bind the principles of meaning, purpose, and inspiration together in our bodies. In Nia, we use the word “sacred” to describe our bodies as the vessels for our life force energy and experience.  By definition, our sacred body is dedicated and devoted exclusively to containing who we are inwardly and what acts upon us outwardly, as we are, each of us, living in the world through inhabiting our sacred bodies.