Awakening News!

Image Credit: Felix Russell

Coming Soon!

Enrollment in the extraordinary new Body & Life Nia Education Program from Debbie Rosas, Nia, Art of Awakening, will be made available for the general public.

For Your Unique Awakening.

Debbie’s new Body & Life Nia Education Program, Nia, Art of Awakening and An Awakening Project have been designed and formatted as a transformational journey through an equitable, diverse, and inclusive experience for everyone. Bringing global participants together, with extended invitations to their own communities from around the world, Nia, Art of Awakening begins with Debbie’s live class gatherings together with live Creative Collective gatherings.

Participants will enjoy celebratory movement, music, and magic in the tradition of the Nia experience, led by Debbie, that focuses on the extraordinary body, mind, and emotion growth and development of creativity that is available for every human being.

For Your Gathered Community.

Creative Collectives will gather for discussions on a variety of inspirational subjects from classes. At the conclusion of the program, all Creative Collective participants will be invited to submit creative workshop proposals for an invitation to An Awakening Project Symposium, where they will gather to discuss, organize, and finalize An Awakening Project calendar year. These privately conducted workshops will be offered by them in any possible area of study for the emerging artist, maker, artisan, or crafter who wants to pursue such things as geometric gardening, performance writing, earthwork painting, sound composition, forage recipe design, fine art photography, and more.

Upon completion of An Awakening Project Symposium, selected Creative Collective members will submit all their workshop information for release to An Awakening Project communities. The remainder of the calendar year will follow with the creative process that will result in finished works.

For Your Empowered Celebration.

An Awakening Project Gallery Show events will close the annual Awakening journey with a celebration, as Debbie and others host live and live streamed gatherings for the global community that will honor participants and their online exhibits of creative works. An evening of meeting and greeting others, followed by viewing online galleries, and concluding with enjoying celebrations together in break out sessions to share memories and imaginations, will close out An Awakening Project experience with a nod to the next year’s journey for new generations.

In this, the focus of An Awakening Project is to guide participants toward discovery of their creative potential, while the intent is to create thriving world wide communities.

For Your Sustainable Future.

The meaning of An Awakening Project is entirely nested within everyone’s unique creative potential as an artist, maker, artisan, or creative that contributes their story to an extraordinary layered narrative, while the purpose of An Awakening Project is rooted in holistic, joyful, vibrant, health and wellness for personal growth and development that is transformational for everyone which is, as Debbie describes it,

“A new contextual sound for a sing-along network of consciousness stimulation to help everyone dissolve, transform, and surpass…a song like, ‘We Are The World,’ with lyrics that celebrate personal identity and the sound of every human spirit in union with a harmonic resonance powerful enough for Awakening culture and society into a better and brighter future.”

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