Art of Creativity


to Nia, Art of Creativity, with a focus on Vitality, Body-Mind-Emotion-Spirit Integration, Conscious Embodiment, Self Actualization, Well Being Consciousness, Metaphysical Imagination, Systemic Movement, Joy, and more Joy!

The intent of the Nia, Art of Creativity is to harmonize Body & Life wisdom by taking cognitive knowledge and physical skills we have embodied thus far “onto the mat.” There, we will combine the Nia Arts of Sensation, Communication, and Perception to create 13 Nia, Art of Creativity principles and bring our experience full circle.

No matter who we are, how many classes we teach or take, and no matter what brings us here, we have arrived at the right time. Everything we have learned and discovered at this point has come from moving, being aware, and having a desire to birth new knowledge and skills. As we prepare for Nia, Art of Creativity, we welcome and honor all our previous Nia Body & Life Education experiences.

We welcome Nia, Art of Sensation, the foundation and primary voice of the basics of Nia Education, which acknowledges the wisdom of the physical body and the voice of sensation.

We welcome Nia, Art of Communication, the wisdom of the four realms — body, mind, emotions, and spirit — the unique voices that contribute to the wholeness of being human.

We welcome Nia, Art of Perception, the world of energy where, from the environment of the Zone, we tap into seamless continuity, into 5th D, where the sensation of expanded radiance is how we live in the body as energy beings.

In Nia, Art of Creativity we will come face to face with possibility, potential, and the unfolding of the “now” to transform our body and life like never before. What we cannot see is the fuel for our transformation. We are not fooled by what appears to be a slow process, as energetically, change is instantaneous. Moments of play and inspiration will touch you and reveal the evolving and creative conscious mind.

We are alert. We look, listen, and sense. We linger long enough to reflect on what we observe, on what we do and do not understand, on what we see, think, feel, and sense, as these things become the inspiration for creativity to move through us. Let’s play!

With Pleasure,

Debbie Rosas

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