
Image Credit: Tanja Heffner

Speak Your Wisdom.

Neighborhood artisan collectives, nontraditional education programs, welcoming new parents, recycling and repurposing, pop up businesses, commitment proposals, regional water conservation, bold career paths, celebrating new life, dynamic resume networking, age growth wellness planning, school community safety, global care advocacy, regional artisan communities, new resume designs, food security cooperatives, or naturalist advocacy initiatives … where to begin and where to end? Life changes quickly and sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by those changes, but bringing together ideas, information, and innovations very often encourages hope. Just now, everyone could use a healthy dose.

Reflect Gently.

Staying positive as a member of society requires effort. Here at Awakening Body & Life: Society, sustainability across the spectrum of diverse and inclusive social needs around the world is a priority, especially in growing and developing like minded community.


Browse, read, think, learn, and have a bit of fun along the way as you consider alternatives to gloom and doom forecasts. Check back regularly, as new posts are published and made available for public view. See Contact to write to us!