From the Desk

Writing for Nia.

“From the Desk” is a featured personal journeys section of Awakening Body & Life that includes news, events, stories, articles, and essays about Debbie Rosas’ independent academic and scholarly research, study, discovery and writing in the Sciences, particularly and in the Arts, generally. Here, you will find much about her personal sojourns through an ever expanding sensory awareness of one transformational life lesson: Through Movement We Find Health. Debbie continues to write prolifically on numerous social and cultural topics.

She has more than one desk in more than one location for more than one purpose. When people receive her letters and emails, they are almost always signed, With Pleasure. And for Debbie, it has truly been a pleasure. Whether writing about Nia and Nia Education or about her Awakening and her desire for Awakening in the lives of others through her lifelong dream, now manifesting as a new Nia Education Program, Art of Awakening and The Awakening Project; Debbie has been focused and determined in her multidisciplinary writing for 40+ decades. 

Using pen, paper, laptop, desktop, stickies, notes, notebooks, journals, and probably even lipstick on table napkins at restaurants, Debbie’s writing flows from her well trained mind, her numerous emotions, her burgeoning spirit — but especially from her sensory awareness of her body in perpetual motion. This has produced a myriad of writing that will feature in “From the Desk.” When it does feature here, and it will often, you won’t want to miss it, as it touches and changes your own journey, each and every time.

Debbie Rosas’ published guidebooks and books include:

Seven Minute Workout, Art of Sensation, Art of Communication, Art of Perception, Art of Self, Art of Alchemy, Art of Movement, Art of Self-healing, Art of Feeling BetterArt of Conscious DanceThe Body’s Way, and Discovery Expedition. Nia In- House Publications, 2023.

The Nia Technique. Broadway Books, 2004.
Non-Impact Aerobics. Random House, 1987.
Non-Impact Aerobics. Avon, 1988.

“From the Desk,” focuses on social and cultural journeys and sojourns in practicing Through Movement We Find Health. Check back regularly, as new posts are published and made available for public view.