Book Review

Quantum Supremacy: How  The Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything, by Michio Kaku.

Debbie Rosas, A Book Review.

In 2004, as part of a presenter lineup at the Science of Consciousness Conference, I had the privilege of hearing Professor of Theoretical Physics, Dr. Michio Kaku of City University in New York speak. Sitting among a crowd of about five-hundred curious people, his words and images on the screen spoke to my body’s atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, and organs. Not concerned with my mind floating through the terrain and landscape of this unknown territory and wanting to decode for myself, what Michio Kaku was sharing, I left his lecture committed  to reading his books.

It takes me much longer than most others to read through any book in the wide range of disciplines of study that I have immersed myself in, throughout over 40 years of my own education. As a result, I am a slow, but extremely close reader. Underlining, taking notes, circling, highlighting, looking up terms and conducting my own research have been the deeper part of my own success in my own areas of expertise. Even so, Dr. Kaku’s writing is accessible to everyone and his scientific analysis and writing are for all learning styles, even my own, which includes severe dyslexia.

Like all of his work, and as he was recently featured in an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, his latest book, Quantum Supremacy: How The Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything skillfully presents a vision of human potential. As an inspiring, positive, visionary, Dr. Kaku demystifies the complex subject of physics, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence, relative to culture, and society. Quantum computing technology, the human mind, and the universe all speaking together is a story anyone interested in the evolution of humanity should read.