Your Authenticity

Who You Are In Your World, With Debbie Rosas.

March is for celebrating Women’s History Month and it is also a wonderful celebration of where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going on your body and life journey. I want to invite anyone who identifies as a woman to consider their authenticity and I’m offering my three written responses to the following prompts as examples. You also might create a vision board on a wall, or curated mementos on a bookshelf, or a mixed media scrapbook to name just a few ideas for this exercise. Seek, explore, and find you!

Who I am In My World.

My name is Debbie Rosas. I grew up in St. Louis, Missouri. I have been a daughter, sister, wife, mother, business woman, divorcee, friend, visionary, and leader of a world-wide movement designed to help people develop the most important relationship we can ever have; the one they have with our body. I have worked with many brilliant scholars, psychologists and body visionaries. I have given lectures and education sessions all over the world. I believe my life purpose is to help people feel.

I love to shake the foundation of what is, and inspire and forecast a new way of living life.  I’ve written books, led hundreds of trainings and workshops, and I’m inspired to write a story for a brighter future for me, and for every person on the planet. Why me? I have a knack for creating change, for stimulating and inspiring people to shift. I’m never satisfied with the status quo. I want a new destiny where we are all reborn as the extraordinary human beings I believe we were all meant to be.

The Expression of Who I Am In My World.

I want something better for today’s world and greatness for all people.  I’m a futurist; someone who dreams with the intent to propel themselves and others into awakening. I love to shake the foundation of what has been to inspire and forecast a new way of living life. The source of my motivation and inspiration is what I see and feel as the hidden treasure of our future; something that is timeless and timely, which is the often overlooked feminine energy that lives within each of us.

I have had the opportunity to stand at the front of the line and to sit in the front of the row of a revolution dedicated to changing people’s bodies and lives through pleasure and joy. I have interviewed hundreds of people and influenced thousands of people to rethink what it means to live in a body. I have hosted hundreds of educational programs and have spent time with thousands of people all seeking a way to feel better in their body and to love their body and their life each and every day.

The Authentic Expression of Who I Am In My World

Over the last four decades, I discovered what I believe to be the single most important missing element in achieving these things, which is feminine energy. I believe feminine energy is possibly the most untapped resource necessary for both our individual survival and for the survival of our planet. Humanity has become confused. Humanity believes in a binary “either/or” and “masculine/feminine” energies. This is unsound dogma that has caused inhumanity. It is time to balance these energies.

Even though I call myself a Sensation Scientist, I think of myself as a pioneer and a trailblazer for the body and for the lives of everyone. Sensing the body in movement and the body at rest heals anxiety, grief, depression, and maladies of many kinds. In doing so, movement with music cultivates compassion and kindness for oneself and others. Both my philosophy and my strategy for my body and life is based on life as art and “budo”, the martial arts way. This makes me the artist of my life whose medium is life itself.

I create art out of what life brings to me. I dance, write, draw, paint, collage, and embody all forms that allow me to create and explore who I am, to become better. This is what happens on my road to awakening. I train myself with my whole being. I allow both my masculine and feminine energies to independently emerge and blend to allow me to be whole. I find peace and balance by listening, hearing, respecting, loving, and honoring what is inside me. I embrace what is without judgment and use truth to do better.

You and Your Authenticity

I invite you to take some time for yourself to explore these questions and nurture the answers you discover. For more exploration with deeper reflection, please browse Awakening Body & Life categories such as “Whole Being,” “Through Movement We Find Health,” and “Nia On Demand.” Allowing yourself the time you need for your understanding of the authenticity of who you are in your world will awaken inspiration!

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